
The User Experience

Blog By Peter W. Szabo

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Kaizen-UX birds

Relevant question based CAPTCHA replacement

Quick Win

Instead of using image based CAPTCHA ask the users questions related to the content they are interacting with. This is more fun than trying to decipher one or two usually meaningless words or even a totally random string of characters. If you want no brainer questions, ask what the given article is about or what your site is selling. If it’s a contact form, you can ask something related to contacting the site’s owner. Like “In which city in the United Kingdom is the warehouse of this web shop located?” A question like this can reinforce that the shipping will be fast, because the goods are shipped from mainland UK, not Hong Kong for instance.
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Kaizen-UX birds

Web Readability – Font Shapes

Quick Win

To make sure larger blocks of text are readable across all devices you need to pick a “proven to be readable” font-family like Helvetica, and add Arial, sans-serif as a fall-back. Even quicker win is to copy-paste this into your main CSS file, right after the CSS reset:
body {font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}
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Kaizen-UX birds

The web safe area

Quick win

Start webdesign by selecting the most likely platform for your app/site, and create a design for that first. Find the lowest resolution with more than 3% market share on the said platform. Find the minimum viewport size in that case. The most commonly used web safe area is 980×500px.
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Kaizen-UX birds

The Golden Ratio in UX Design

Quick win

If you are looking for the most pleasing proportion between two things you should start with the golden ration (they can be anything from paddings on websites to proportions of buildings). In UX design we can live with the rough estimate of 1.618 for this irrational number.
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